Research & Articles

Research Articles
Embarrassing Pictures of Jesus

Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Even though the central pivot of all New Testament writings is Jesus Christ and crucial information...

Research Articles
Netanyahu’s Unholy War

Gaza City, home to over 2.2 million residents, has become a ghostly emblem of devastation and violence

Research Articles
Raped and Discarded Princess

Tamar, the only daughter of King David was raped by her half-brother. King David was at a loss to protect or give her much-needed justice. This is a biblical tale of complex turns and twists and leave

Research Articles
Dinah's Rape and Levi's Deception

The Bible is considered holy by many and X-rated by others. It is a mixture of facts and fiction, some of them quite sexually violent and promiscuous. The irony is that these hedonistic passages are p

Research Articles
The Qur’an and Human Reason

The concept of reason in the Qur’anic perspective is a multifaceted one, incorporating elements from various philosophical and historical traditions. It is a comprehensive concept that merges elemen

Research Articles
Voltaire's Nuanced Fondness of Islam

Voltaire, whose real name was François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), was a French philosopher, writer, and thinker who made significant contributions to the Enlightenment.  

Research Articles
Book Reviews

Zulfiqar Ali Shah's book is an extensive undertaking that is encyclopedic in its scope and ambitious in its aims. 

Research Articles
The Qur’an and the Importance of Human Reason

The Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, places a strong emphasis on the importance of human reason, critical thinking, logical argumentation, and common sense. It values the use of our intellect to unde

Research Articles
Some French Philosophes’ Use of Islam

During the Enlightenment era, certain French thinkers, known as the Philosophes, turned their gaze to Islam, a faith geographically and ideologically distant from their own Christian milieu.

Research Articles
The Ottoman Empire’s European Foray and France

In this intricate web of European politics and religion, the Ottoman Empire asserted its presence powerfully. With vast swathes of Eastern Europe under its control, the Empire naturally found itself j

Research Articles
Muslim Contributions to the Scientific Revolution

The relationship between Islam, Muslims, and Islamic civilization and their impact on Western societies, particularly in the context of early modern England, is a topic of significant historical impor

Research Articles
What is Enlightenment?

The term “enlightenment” is a multifaceted one. In a broad sense, it embodies the spirit of questioning established norms and valuing individual freedom.

Research Articles
My Spiritual and Intellectual Journey

In this revealing book, I delve deep into my complex spiritual and intellectual journey, which has been shaped and reshaped over the years by conflicting forces of tradition, faith, freedom, and moder

Research Articles
Ruling regarding Transportation of a Dead Body

In accordance with Islamic tradition, it is essential to understand that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never endorsed the practice of relocating deceased individuals from one place to anoth

Research Articles
Global Moonsighting

he early jurists of the Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali, and some Sha'fai' schools of Islamic jurisprudence held a firm belief in the concept of a unified horizon (global sighting or wahdat al mata’lia’).

Research Articles
Eid al Adha Controversy

Muslims in both the United States and other parts of the world hold divergent viewpoints regarding the observance of Eid al-Adha.

Research Articles
Professor Paul Badham's Forward

I am very glad to write a forward to this quite brilliant study of Anthropomorphism and Transcendence in the Bible and Qu’ran.

Research Articles
How Islam Shaped America?

Have you ever wondered how the foundation of American civilization was influenced by Islamic teachings?

Research Articles
American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson and Islam

Statements like "Islam hates us" from figures such as former President Trump, combined with claims from Evangelists that America's foundations are deeply rooted in orthodox Christian beliefs, have fue

Research Articles
Allah is Love

Islam can be understood as a religion that emphasizes submission to God.

Research Articles
The Qur'an's Comprehensive Rejection of the Trinity

The Qur'an fundamentally opposes several key Christian beliefs, including the Trinity, the notion of Jesus as the Son of God and a divine figure within the Trinity, and related concepts such as origin

Research Articles
Rape, Murder, Conspiracy and the King

In Islamic tradition, Prophets hold a revered status, being regarded as individuals of impeccable moral character, righteousness, and unwavering devotion to God.

Research Articles
A Haunted Prince

Cem Sultan, also known as Jem Sultan (1459–1495), was a prominent figure in Ottoman history.

Research Articles
The Righteous Deceiver

Even though Jacob, known as Yaakov in Hebrew, holds great significance in Judaism as one of the early patriarchs of the Israelite people, he is often referred to as a cunning trickster in the Bible du

Research Articles
Fatwa on Christmas Greetings

In Islamic tradition, it's generally accepted that Muslims can wish Christians "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas."

Research Articles
Bible's Problems of Authenticity

The composition, authorship, and historical authenticity of the New Testament present an intriguing aspect of early Christian history, especially considering that Jesus Christ himself did not direct a

Research Articles
The Unique Qur'an

With an unparalleled reach, the Quran is not only one of the most extensively read books worldwide but also serves as a fundamental source for Arabic education and learning.

Research Articles
Western Approaches to the Qur'an

In Western scholarship, various perspectives have emerged over time regarding the origin, nature, style, language, and composition of the Qur'an.

Research Articles
The Unique Qur'an Part 2

The Holy Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam, stands unique among Semitic scriptures for several reasons that highlight its distinct sanctity and significance from the very beginning.

Research Articles
Is Quran the Word of Prophet Muhammad?

here has been a tendency among several contemporary Muslim scholars to conceive of a human aspect with regards to Qur’anic revelation by emphasizing the part played by the person of the Prophet in r

Research Articles
Islam's Unique Monotheism

Among the world's religions, Islam stands out as a staunch advocate of pure, strict, and morally simple monotheism. While Judaism claims to be the progenitor of monotheistic traditions, it does not co

Research Articles
Virtues and Lessons of Ayat al Kursi

Ayat al-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), verse 255) is perhaps the most recited verse of the Holy Quran. It is considered one of the most powerful and significant verses in the Quran, and it holds

Research Articles
Virtues and Lessons of Surah al-Ikhlas

Surah Al-Ikhlas is the 112th chapter of the Quran, and it holds great significance in Islamic tradition due to its concise and profound message and multiple virtues.

Research Articles
Satanic Verses: Striking A Deep Chord

Islam emerged against the backdrop of the Christian Byzantine Empire and the dominant, authoritarian Catholic Church. It posed a challenge to the Christian imperial dominance by undermining the Christ

Research Articles
Satanic Verses: Striking A Deep Chord, Part 3

In the theological discourse of Judaism and Christianity, there is an evident progression towards monotheism, an evolving concept of divine transcendence, and a trend towards universalism.

Research Articles
Jewish Concept of God

The understanding of God distinctive to the Hebrew Bible and hence to Judaic tradition is an amalgamation of anthropomorphic (manlike) and transcendental (otherworldly) tendencies.

Research Articles
Prof. Robert Shedinger's Preface

In response to the creation story found in the Bible someone once quipped, “God created humans in his image and then humans turned around and returned the favor.”

Research Articles
Is God Dead? Part 1

“IS GOD DEAD?” asked Time magazine in its April 8, 1966 issue. Yes, “God is dead,” responded three American theologians.

Research Articles
Is God Dead? Part 2

God is nothing but a rarified, esoteric, and exalted version of man.

Research Articles
Is God Dead? Part 3

Nineteenth-century evolutionary theories of religion primarily sought to understand the origin, development, and function of religion in human societies rather than in the heavens.

Research Articles
Islamic Alternate to Death of God Theology

Renowned British Sociologist Earnest Gellner argues that “there is one very real, dramatic and conspicuous exception to all this: Islam. To say that secularization prevails in Islam is not contentio

Research Articles
ملخص لرأي جمهور العلماء

إن المانع الرئيسي عند هؤلاء الفقهاء من اتخاذ الحسابات الفلكية مصدراً موثوقاً لتحديد الشهور الإسلامية هو ما س

Research Articles
مناقشة أدلة الجمهور

إن الآية القرآنية الآتية تفسَّر عادة على أنها تعني الرؤية البصرية بالعين المجردة

Research Articles
مناقشة الأدلة من السنة

أولاً إن الأحاديث الشريفة قد طالبت بوضوح باستخدام الرؤية البصرية للهلال الجديد على أنها وسيلة لتحري الدقة، و

Research Articles
نتائج البحث

أولاً: القول بأن هناك إجماع بين الفقهاء على رفض الحسابات الفلكية وعدم الثقة بصحتها في كل طرقها وأساليبها سواء

Research Articles
مقدمة الكتاب

هذا الكتاب عرضٌ تفصيلي لقضايا تجسيم الخالق وتجسيده

Research Articles
فكرة الإله في الفكر اليهودي

دفع الفكرُ الهيليني اليوناني مجموعة من العلماء اليهود إلى القيام بتأويل التعبيرات التجسيدية تأويلاً مجازي

Research Articles
Talmud: The Real Scripture of Jews

The Talmud holds a pivotal role in Rabbinic Judaism, ranking just after the Torah in its significance within Jewish tradition. Essentially, the Torah's comprehension, interpretation, and application i

Research Articles
Weeping God of the Jewish Talmud

The rabbinic authorities, with rare exception, emboldened the physical depictions of God and made it so graphic that the Talmudic God became nothing short of a complete human being with excessive huma

Research Articles
Muslim Influences on the Jewish Civilization

The influence of Muslim culture on medieval Jewish civilization was significant and multifaceted, reflecting the close interactions between these communities, especially in regions like the Iberian Pe

Research Articles
Islamic Roots of Jewish Rationalism

Medieval Muslim theologians, philosophers, and polemics took the Jewish scholarship to task for Jewish primitive, irrational, contradictory, and manlike (anthropomorphic) concepts of God, supremacist

Research Articles
An Introduction to Holy Bible

Along with the Qur’an, the Bible is perhaps ranked one of the most read, distributed and discussed books in the world.

Research Articles
Authority of Torah and Jewish Sects

Though significant results were achieved by the as mentioned scholars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, nobody attempted to differentiate clearly between various parts of the Pentateuch.

Research Articles
Terrorizing the Bible: Allegory and Typology

Men like Roman philosophers Celsus, Porphyry, and others did point out the existence of immoralities, contradictions, inconsistencies as well as anthropomorphisms contained in the Old Testament, ident

Research Articles
Liberal Response to Old Testament

The liberal writers observed that the Old Testament had over time evolved from primitive to more developed forms and had gone through a fundamental change during this developmental process.

Research Articles
Authority of Bible in Christianity

The student would have to study the New Testament to explore Christian views on these fundamental areas because the New Testament alone is the claimed primary authority for most Christians. In this ca

Research Articles
Historical Jesus or Risen Lord?

Numerous academics contend that a significant portion of the statements in the Gospels attributed to Jesus may not actually be his words, but rather post-resurrection declarations from his disciples o

Research Articles
Muslim Influences on St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) is considered one of the most important figures in Western philosophy and theology, particularly within the Christian tradition. Aquinas is best known for his theologi

Research Articles
Muslims and St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas aimed his writings primarily at Muslims, seeking to convert them through his philosophical theology. Jews, Christians, and pagans were considered secondary audiences.

Research Articles
Making of St. Thomas Aquinas

In the landscape of European politics, Popes and secular rulers were locked in a struggle for supremacy, influence, and wealth.

Research Articles
St. Thomas, Mendicant Orders and Muslim Challenges

The Franciscan and Dominican orders, two renowned medieval Catholic religious communities, were founded in response to challenges facing Christian faith and doctrine from both outside and within.

Research Articles
Muslims in the Horizon of Thomas Aquinas

Julie Taylor notes that “the transfer of the Sicilian Muslims resulted in the dislocation and decline of the Christian population at Lucera and in the surrounding area.

Research Articles
Franciscan and Dominican Arabic Learning Institutes

The Franciscan and Dominican Friars who dedicated themselves to learning Arabic and delving into Islamic teachings for missionary purposes played a crucial role as mediators in translating Arabic text

Research Articles
مقدمة الدكتور رابرت شيدينجر

رداً على قصة الخلق الموجودة في الكتاب المقدس، سخر أحدهم ذات مرة قائلاً: "لقد خلق الله البشر على صورته ثم استدار

Research Articles
مقدمة البروفيسور بول بادهام

يسعدني جدًا أن أكتب مقدمة لهذه الدراسة الرائعة لـ"التشبيه والتعالي في الكتاب المقدس والقرآن الكريم". لقد تشرف

Research Articles
المسيحية: نظام عقائدي فريد

يختلف الإيمان المسيحي عن أي نظام عقائدي آخر في العالم. فهو يركز على شخصية تاريخية تُدعى يسوع، يُعتقد أنه إله ك